Car Show

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Since 1961
Car Show & Swap Meet


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This page contains a list of scheduled projects, Car Show, Classes,
Charitable Donations
Swap Meet
Sunday September 15th 2024

St. Peter MN at the Nicollet County Fair Grounds

Printable Car Show Flyer ~ click here...

Click here to see 2024 Car Show ad

Printable ST19 Form for Swappers  (helpful to have filled in ahead of time)

Swapper Information Letter ~ click to read   

Motorcycles new this year ~ click for flyer (Call to register your bike: 507-382-0751 / 612-501-6106 or 763-310-7970)

Click here for map to Nicollet County Fairgrounds, 400 W Union Street, St. Peter, MN 56082

Click here to see 2016 Car Show ad

                    Click to see car show video                                     Click to see interview video on KEYC-TV news from 2011

 47th Annual Car Show & Swap Meet

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Always The 3rd Sunday in September

Nicollet County Fairgrounds        St. Peter, MN

6:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.      Rain or Shine       

 Car Club.gif (24386 bytes)     click on ad to see larger

Hosted by:  Auto Restorers Club, Inc.

      P.O. Box 531,   St. Peter, MN  56082     E-Mail:  click here            

Free Dash Plaque for the First 650 Car Registrants           Registration in the Johnson Hall 

bullet Registration in the Johnson Hall
bullet Entertainment & Door Prizes
bullet $15.00 per Show Car -- Includes Driver & 1 Passenger
bullet $5.00 Per Person    Under 12 Free with Adult 
bullet Food Vendors on the grounds all day
bullet Awards @ 2 pm                        
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Classes:       Balloting Ends @ Noon with Awards @ 2 pm in Johnson Hall

bullet 1900 thru 1949
bullet 1950 thru 1959
bullet 1960 thru 1964
bullet 1965 thru 1969
bullet 1970 thru 1975
bullet 1976 thru 1988
bullet 1900 thru 1988 -- Truck
bullet 1900 thru 1932
bullet 1933 thru 1939
bullet 1940 thru 1954
bullet 1955 thru 1958
bullet 1959 thru 1969
bullet 1970 thru 1988
bullet 1900 thru 1988 -- Truck
bullet 1900 thru 1988  Convertibles  
bullet 1900 thru 1988  Special Interest
bullet 1900 thru 1988  Rat Rod
bullet 1900 thru 1988  Project -- Must be Driven in by Owner -- Age 30 and Younger
bullet 1988 thru Present

** 3 trophies per class**

Swap Meet:            (click here for the ST19 form)

All cars for sale under power must be displayed in the car corral $25

Pre-Register Outdoor space $25 with ST19 form filled out and mailed in by September 4th

Saturday after 2:00 pm $35     Pay in Johnson Hall

Sunday $35 ~ OUTDOOR SWAP SPACE      Pay at Gate and have ST19 Form filled out Please

INDOOR SWAP SPACE $40.00 for -- Must be Pre-Paid by: September 4th then after is $45

SWAPPERS PLEASE USE BACK GATE on Sunday ~ OPENS AT 6:00 AM p MUST be out by 4:30 PM

Absolutely No Setup Prior to 2:00 pm on Saturday  

P.O. Box 531,   St. Peter,  MN  56082


Vendors are responsible for their own litter.      Not Responsible for accidents.

For more information about this event contact: 

Rod 507-720-8527        E-Mail:  click here

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Awards.jpg (31848 bytes)

Awards.jpg (31848 bytes)

Awards.jpg (31848 bytes)
Awards.jpg (31848 bytes)

Ribbon.jpg (20885 bytes)(Celebrated in 2001)        

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Charitable Donations:

2023 Donation $18,000 plus $500 Collage Scholarship Brandon K.


Alzheimer's Association


BackPack Program


Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County


Bethlehem Inn


Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society ~ BENCHS


Foundation Fighting Blindness ~ FFB


ISJ Hospice


Options for Women


Ronald McDonald's House


Shriner's Children's Hospital


St. Jude


The FEW ~ Veternan's


Nicollet County Fair

2022 Donation $15,000


BackPack Program


Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County


Foundation Fighting Blindness ~ FFB


ISJ Hospice


Mending Spirts Dog Rescue


Options for Women


Ronald McDonald's House


Salvation Army - Mankato


Shriner's Children's Hospital


St. Jude


Nicollet County Fair

2021 Donation $7,000

bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet Coco's Heart Dog Rescue
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet Options for Women
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet St. Jude
bullet Nicollet County Fair

2020 Covid-19 so had No Show

2019 Donation $34,300

bullet Alzheimer's Association
bullet BackPack Program St. Peter
bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society ~ BENCHS
bullet CADA ~ Committe Aginst domestic Abuse
bullet Foundation Fighting Blindness ~ FFB
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet St. Jude
bullet Nicollet County Fair Flood in Office 3,000
bullet Nicollet County Fair AED ~ Automatic Defibrillator in Johnson Hall
bullet Redwood Falls Animal Shelter

2018 donation Nicollet County Fair Paving the grounds

2017 donation $14,000

bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society ~ BENCHS
bullet CADA ~ Committe Aginst domestic Abuse
bullet Disabled Veterans of America  ~ DVA
bullet Elysian Area Quilters
bullet Foundation Fighting Blindness ~ FFB
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet S.M.I.L.E.S.
bullet St. Jude
bullet Susan G. Komen ~ Breast Cancer

2016 donation we donated $10,500 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet CADA ~ Committe Aginst domestic Abuse
bullet Disabled Veterans of America  ~ DVA
bullet Foundation Fighting Blindness ~ FFB
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet St. Jude
bullet Susan G. Komen ~ Breast Cancer
bullet Veteran's Memorial St. Peter, MN
bullet KMS Marching Band

2015 donation we donated $30,000 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society ~ BENCHS
bullet Disabled Veterans of America  ~ DVA
bullet Foundation Fighting Blindness ~ FFB
bullet K9 Dog ~ Nicollet County
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet Veteran's Memorial St. Peter, MN
bullet Nicollet County Fairgournds Lawn Mower 5,000

2014 donation we donated $10,700 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet K9 Dog ~ Nicollet County
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet St. Jude's Research Hospital
bullet Nicollet County Fair for renovation of the Johnson Hall
bullet Nicollet County Fairgournds 6 Picnic Tables 2,700

2013 donation we donated $6,000 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Alzheimer's Association
bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet K9 Dog ~ Nicollet County
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet Wounded Warriors

2012 donation we donated $10,000 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Alzheimer's Association
bullet Beds For Kids ~ Waseca & Steele County
bullet Children's Hospital
bullet Disabled Veterans of America ~ DVA
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Paralyzed Veterans of America ~ PVA
bullet Red Cross
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital

2011 donation we donated $8,400 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet American Heart Association
bullet BackPack Program St. Peter
bullet Food Shelf St. Peter
bullet Food Shelf Waseca
bullet K9 Dog ~ Nicollet County
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Make A Wish Foundation
bullet Vine Faith in Action

2010 donation we donated $10,000 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Alzheimer's Association
bullet American Cancer Society
bullet Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society ~ BENCHS
bullet Children's Cancer Cancer Research Fund
bullet E.C.H.O. Food Shelf
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet Kids Against Hunger
bullet Paralyzed Veterans of America ~ PVA
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital

2009 donation we donated $15,000 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet American Cancer Society
bullet Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society ~ BENCHS
bullet Breast Cancer Research - ISJ Foundation
bullet Children's Cancer Cancer Research Fund
bullet Committee Against Domestic Abuse CADA
bullet E.C.H.O. Food Shelf
bullet Make A Wish Foundation
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital

2008 donation we donated $20,000 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society ~ BENCHS
bullet Breast Cancer Research - ISJ Foundation
bullet Children's Cancer Cancer Research Fund
bullet Committee Against Domestic Abuse CADA
bullet E.C.H.O. Food Shelf
bullet Foundation of Children's Hospital and Clinic of MN
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Salvation Army - Mankato
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital
bullet Vine Faith in Action

2007 donation we donated $10,000 to these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Children's Cancer Society
bullet Children's Wish Foundation
bullet E.C.H.O. Food Shelf
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet Muscular Dystrophy
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Salvation Army
bullet Shriner's Children's Hospital

2006 donation we donated $500 to each of these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Alzheimer's Association
bullet American Cancer Society
bullet American Red Cross
bullet Breast Cancer
bullet Holiday Sharing Tree
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet Make A Wish
bullet Meals on Wheels
bullet One Bright Star
bullet Operation Minnesota Nice
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Salvation Army
bullet Theresa House
bullet Toys For Tots
bullet Vine

2005 donation we donated $500 to each of these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Alzheimer's Association
bullet American Cancer Society
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet Make A Wish
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Toys For Tots
bullet $1,000 for Kane Dog for the County
bullet $3,000 to St. Peter's sister city in New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina

2004 donation was given for black topping of the Nicollet County Fairground roads.

2003 we donated $500 to each of these local charities from our car show listed below:

bullet Alzheimer's Association
bullet American Cancer Society
bullet E.C.H.O. Food Shelf
bullet History Fest (historical re-creation)
bullet ISJ Hospice
bullet MADD
bullet Make A Wish
bullet Red Cross
bullet One Bright Star
bullet Ronald McDonald's House
bullet Salvation Army
bullet SCTC College Scholarship (for Auto Restoration)
bullet Toys For Tots
bullet Vine

Local Hotels:

bullet AmericInn Motel
bullet Viking Jr.

Click Here to see Club Members Cars!

Would you like to join our Antique Car Club? Then go to the form on this page.

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For problems or questions regarding this web contact:    Last updated:  01/6/2024