Annual membership dues for the Auto Restorers Club are payable prior to January 1st. Members who dues are not paid by this date will be dropped from the membership roster. The yearly membership fee is $10.00 per family. Dues received after October 1st will include the upcoming year. Complete this form, make a check payable to: "Auto Restorers Car Club, Inc." mail to: Auto Restorers Car Club, INC. PO Box 531 St. Peter, MN 56082 questions e-mail to: autorestorerscarclub@gmail.com Name:_______________________ Spouse's Name:________________ Children's Names:_____________________________________________ Address:__________________________ Phone #:__________________ City:_________________________ State:_________ Zip:____________ E-Mail address:______________________________________________ Please list your cars in the space below. Indicate the condition as follows: O=original, FR=fully restored, PR=partly restored, P=parts only 1._________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________ List other interests and hobbies: